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London, United Kingdom
A mom who loves to feed her 3 hungry boys. A wife who tries to cater to her husband neverending food requests.An amateur baker who loves trying and improving her skills and knowledge in cullinary. A passion. A devotion. A sacrifice.

Monday, 30 March 2009

Imran's 9th Birthday Cupcakes

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As mama is very very busy, there's no birthday party for the boys this year. I just sent these cupcakes to their class, and shared by their good friends and teachers.

Both Imran and Nabil's cupcakes are chocolate cake frosted by buttercream added some heavy whipping cream, so it doesnt really taste so buttery but more creamier instead. Except for Faris's cake, it's actually banana cake frosted with cream cheese and cream.

The recipes are taken from the previous chocolate and banana cake posts.


  1. cayok cayokk

    mommy mq

  2. My God, I wish you could live in KK Sabah so I can order your cupcakes at a whim! They look so good!!
